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Michele De Winton's 2nd book in her Hot Tide series, "Making Over Maya"

I absolutely loved the first book in this series the second brought some surfer PR smarts as well as fashion tips, but I missed the beauty, smell, the substance of the ocean that was in the first book. We have a good looking and smart girl when it comes to surfer business, i.e. promoting. Unfortunately she has no confidence in herself when it comes to men, especially one in particular. She needs to learn how to attract and reel him in. Enter the rich, good looking, always gets what he wants guy, but who needs he!p in learning about the surfing world in order to create a new clothes line. They agree to teach other what they need to teach their objective. I don't do spoilers so if you want to know how they go about this and what happens between them a!ong the way, grab this book now. Get the book here or at your favorite book site:  https://amzn.to/2INcAib