Ann Gimpel has done it again! She as given us a fantastic, exciting story, this time with witches and druids. What happens when you don't believe in magic but are then thrown right smack into it? Not only are you told there is magic in the world, but this magic is black, evil and trying to ensnare you. It's even harder to believe it when you are told by a gorgeous man who tells you he's a Druid; yeah right. She just might start to believe him when she's tricked into going back in time by a dead relative. THAT'S IT no more, just let me say that there's plenty more going on between these lines I've written, maybe even a little magical romance. Grab this first book in the series "Elemental Witch" and you'll be more than ready to see what the author has in store for us in book 2. Order it now here or at your favorite book site: